1 Chinese Sony Battery Supplier VDL Awarded the Green Partner Certification
Chinese Sony Battery Supplier VDL is proud to announce that the company has received the Green Partner Certification from SONY as a recognition of its efforts to maintain the highest standard of environmental safety and product quality.
Green Partner Certification is established by Sony in 2001 to promote sustainability by encouraging its suppliers to adopt Green Partner environmental management systems. The recipient of this certification is a testimony of VDL’ constant commitment to improve the quality of life through battery innovations.
Green Partner Certification is established by Sony in 2001 to promote sustainability by encouraging its suppliers to adopt Green Partner environmental management systems. The recipient of this certification is a testimony of VDL’ constant commitment to improve the quality of life through battery innovations.
2 Top Consumer Electronics Battery Maker VDL Establishes the Chongqing Research Institute
To promote technology advancement in small and miniature Li-ion battery, VDL has setup a Research Institute (i.e., Chongqing Zijian New Energy Co., Ltd.). The institute locates in the Beipei District of Chongqing and focuses on the research and development of key battery materials and chemical systems to improve safety, energy density and fast charging capability of batteries. The institute also boasts an industry leading testing center with over 90 high precision testing and characterization equipment.
The establishment of Chongqing Research Institute cements VDL’s position as a leading innovator in small and miniature Li-ion battery industry, and will help us better respond to the growing demands on battery performance of top consumer electronics battery customers.
The establishment of Chongqing Research Institute cements VDL’s position as a leading innovator in small and miniature Li-ion battery industry, and will help us better respond to the growing demands on battery performance of top consumer electronics battery customers.
3 Micro Battery Manufacturer VDL to Exhibit at CES 2020 in Las Vegas on Jan. 7-10
Organized by Consumer Technology Association (CTA), CES is one of the largest events in consumer electronics industry. Last year the event attracted over 175,000 attendances, 4,500 exhibiting companies and 1,000 speakers to discuss the newest trends in 5G, IOT, automotives, artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge consumer electronics technologies.
As the market leader in consumer micro Li-ion batteries, VDL will attend the CES show for the fourth consecutive time. Come and visit our booth at Sands Expo 45740 to learn why our products provide the best solutions to your micro battery needs.
As the market leader in consumer micro Li-ion batteries, VDL will attend the CES show for the fourth consecutive time. Come and visit our booth at Sands Expo 45740 to learn why our products provide the best solutions to your micro battery needs.
4 VDL Awarded Rechargeable Coin Battery Patent
VDL is pleased to announce that the company has recently been granted rechargeable coin battery patent from numerous countries and regions including US, Europe, Japan and India. The patents are based on VDL’s China patent published in 2018, which protects the use of stacking technology in coin battery manufacturing process. The growing patent family is a testament of VDL’s strong emphasis on technology innovation and help VDL better response to the growing competition in the booming rechargeable coin battery industry.
Nowadays most of the rechargeable coin battery manufacturers are adopting winding technology in their production process. However, these winding battery makers have the potential risk of infringing the global patents filed by Varta-Microbatteries and may pose tremendous legal dangers to the end users of these batteries.
VDL’s stacking technology, on the other hand, is an innovation invented by VDL, and since it differs significantly from winding technology, it offers legal risk free battery solutions to our end customers. In 2020, we will continue the expand of our global patent portfolio to constantly provide our customers with the industry-leading micro batteries.
Nowadays most of the rechargeable coin battery manufacturers are adopting winding technology in their production process. However, these winding battery makers have the potential risk of infringing the global patents filed by Varta-Microbatteries and may pose tremendous legal dangers to the end users of these batteries.
VDL’s stacking technology, on the other hand, is an innovation invented by VDL, and since it differs significantly from winding technology, it offers legal risk free battery solutions to our end customers. In 2020, we will continue the expand of our global patent portfolio to constantly provide our customers with the industry-leading micro batteries.
5 蓄势锂电研产升级 助推企业高质发展
蓄势锂电研产升级 助推企业高质发展
近日,重庆市紫建电子股份有限公司(“紫建电子”,股票代码:301121)独立董事汤四新、黎永绿、吕大龙一行先后到重庆市紫建新能源有限公司、重庆市紫建电子股份有限公司和重庆市维都利新能源有限公司考察调研,重点了解紫建电子研发创新、生产经营、产线设备、成本费用、人员储备等方面的情况,紫建电子董事周显茂、财务负责人刘小龙和董事会秘书肖开清以及相关部门负责人陪同考察调研。首先,独立董事考察了重庆市紫建新能源有限公司(“研究院”),独立董事在研究院负责人陪同下先后参观了研究院的材料分析室、样品室、试产产线等,研究院负责人向各位独立董事介绍了研究院的人员结构、基础研发成果、原材料及成品等方面情况。独立董事与研究院相关人员进行了座谈交流,对研发储备、总体规划、研发项目管理以及材料成本、产品结构、工艺制成等方面进行深入交流和探讨。独立董事对研究院践行“应用一代、储存一代、研发一代”的前瞻性技术研发路线,持续提升自主创新能力和核心竞争优势给予了充分肯定和认可。 随后,独立董事一行来到重庆市紫建电子股份有限公司(“总部基地”)考察调研,紫建电子董事、总部基地负责人周显茂热情接待并向各位独立董事介绍了总部基地的发展历程、经营管理、团队建设、长期规划及实施进展等情况。独立董事对总部基地秉持“恪守本分、追求极致”的企业文化,坚持“聚焦主业、深耕市场、服务客户”的经营策略,以及积极开展“捐资助学、环境保护”等活动,积极践行企业担当和社会责任给予了高度支持和赞赏。 最后,独立董事一行来到了重庆市维都利新能源有限公司(“万州基地”)现场调研。万州基地负责人廖贵方向各位独立董事介绍了基地的产能布局和生产情况,并陪同独立董事参观了万州基地锂离子电池全自动生产车间,向独立董事详细介绍了从配料、涂布、叠片、化成到成品及检测等生产制造全流程。独立董事对基地先进的自动化、智能化产线设备赞不绝口,对基地不断优化产能布局、升级工艺技术、持续引领产品创新、加强成本控制、提升生产效率等方面的工作,给予了积极评价和肯定。 独立董事一行通过对紫建电子研究院、总部基地和万州基地的考察调研,与公司中高级管理人员现场互动交流,对紫建电子的生产经营情况、长续发展规划、技术研发实力、产品突破创新等方面有了更深入、更全面和更直观的了解和认识,并就研发创新突破、生产系统效率、人才组织管理、产业资源整合等方面提供了宝贵的意见和建议,为紫建电子扎实推进高质量发展献策献言。 面对错综复杂的国际经济环境、消费需求增速减缓的国内形势,以及新兴消费锂电市场起伏不定、消费者信心有待提升等诸多挑战,紫建电子相信在公司董事会和管理团队的带领下,将充分发挥科学决策和监督指导作用,协同全体员工勠力同心,保障公司合规治理和规范运营,着力推动公司高质量发展,维护公司及广大投资者的合法权益,持续回报股东、投资者,为践行社会责任、谋求全民福祉,作出应有的贡献。